Once billed as wonder-drugs for Erectil Dysfunciton ,Viagra and similar medications are now known to be ineffective in nearly half of all men taking them. Many others develop intolerable side-effects. Boston Medical group has specialized in improving men’s sexual performance for over 10 years. Their success lies in a proprietary treatment process for Erectile Dysfunction, for which a US Patent was recently approved.Their treatments are monitored by skilled physicians and personalized for each patient depending on their underlying health conditions, as well as their needs and expectations.Dr.Barry Buffman explained “Medications like Viagra are less effective in ED patients over 50 years old, especially in those with existing, cardiovascular risk factors,” ,”The BMG Method offers individualized treatment, and it’s why we have had so much success improving sexual performance when oral medications and herbal supplements have failed”You know that, the prescribed treatment to achieve and maintain sexual performance for up to an hour. It might be safe and effective who knows?www.bostonmedicalgroup.com